Thursday, February 25, 2010
"Naptime" Crafts
Several weeks ago I headed out to a new baby/children's consignment store in town to check out what they had. I'm in the market for a new baby bouncer, but came across a steal of a deal on a Boppy nursing pillow, new with tags. Since it was naked (no pillow cover) I decided I would make a cover. I LOVE how it turned out and was surprised by how easy it was to make. The hardest, a.k.a. most time consuming, part was cutting the pattern out and taping it together.
I've seen these car seat tents all over the blogosphere and I think they're genius! I found a tutorial and whipped this baby out in about an hour. I've seen them priced online ranging from $20-35, but I managed to make mine for $8 and some change.
I would've saved a couple of bucks if I had chosen a solid fabric for the underside, but I loved the coordinating stripe, so I splurged.
I decided to dress up some burp clothes with the leftover fabric from my projects. The one on the bottom is a two sided burp cloth. Sounded good in theory, but it was a lot more work than it was worth. I think it will be my only one.
Lastly are these cute paci clips. I got a package of 12 pearl snap sets at Walmart for a couple of dollars and found the cute round suspender clips on ebay for pretty darn cheap. There's a great ribbon store close by and I was able to purchase the ribbon in 12 inch lengths to eliminate waste. When all was said and done each paci clip cost me about a $1.
Cute, huh?
See below for links to the websites where I found these great projects
Saturday, February 20, 2010
A bit anxious
It seems as though I wasn't paying much attention when it was explained to me that human gestation is supposed to be roughly 9 months... not 6. I guess this little girl is a little anxious to greet the world, but don't worry because we have things under control and we got her calmed down enough to hopefully stay put for another 8 weeks or so (fingers crossed). I was having some lower abdominal pain on Friday and as the day progressed, so did the pain. At about 4:00pm I was on the phone with Justin and told him how I'd been feeling and he suggested I call my doctor since it was still office hours, rather than having no other option than to head to the ER if it got too bad. I thought my doctor would tell me to take it easy and if the pain and cramping turned into something else, go to the hospital. She didn't. She told me to head straight for the hospital to be monitored. She didn't want to take any chances. So I packed an overnight bag just in case (I've learned to be prepared from our experience with Grace), woke Grace from her nap and headed to the hospital. Justin was meeting us there since he was on his way hog hunting with a friend from work. I ended up staying in Labor and Delivery for about 6 hours (thankfully not overnight) hooked up to fetal monitors. The first few hours were good. I had only had 2 contractions. Then they started coming a lot more frequently - about every 4 minutes - although they really weren't painful, just uncomfortable. The on-call doctor decided to give me a couple of oral medications to relax and calm things down and after about an hour I wasn't contracting anymore... YAY! Since I wasn't dilated or effaced at all they sent me home for the weekend with orders to take it easy, call my doctor on Monday, and the most awful thing you can think of - NO CAFFEINE OR CARBONATED DRINKS. I don't know if I'll make it 2-3 months without a Pepsi. I guess I can do it if it helps this little baby go full term. So today has been a good day. No contractions, although I'm being extremely cautious with my activities. I'm scared to do anything that might disturb my uterus and make it mad enough to go into labor. We're keeping our fingers crossed and our faith in our Heavenly Father that we have a healthy baby... in a couple of months! |
Thursday, February 11, 2010
It's been snowing all day here in East Texas. We had a pretty nice covering this morning, but about 11am it warmed up enough to melt what was on the ground. Now that it's about 5pm it's cold enough that it's sticking to the grass, trees, and cars again. One thing I love about living here is that we don't have to deal with snow in the winter. I guess today is the exception. I knew the weather was going to be like this today, so I went out of my way yesterday to make sure I wouldn't have to go out in it. We've been in the house all day with the blinds and curtains open so we can watch the snow fall outside.
P.S. I can hear the little kids in our neighborhood outside laughing and playing in the snow. They don't get to experience this very often. The sound of their giggling makes my heart happy.
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
Favorite Blogs Tag
My good friend Dallas tagged me in her last post. I am to list for you my top 5 favorite blogs/websites, so here they are: 1. Hip 2 Save - I'm right there with you Dallas. I check this website several times a day. This lady can save you tons of cash! She posts awesome deals all throughout the day that can be used online or in stores. Check it out! 2. Craft Blogs - I'm clumping these all together in one because I check them all regularly and pretty much love them all the same. They are :;;;; These sites are full of ideas and tutorials for sewing, scrapbooking, homemade gifts, recipes and more. I love 'em! 3. - If you're a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints this website is a must! I teach primary in our ward (CTR 5) and I would be lost without sugardoodle. There's tons of great ideas to help with your lessons, coloring pages, and handouts. 4. - My fave vinyl website. I have other vinyl sites on my sidebar that you can check out too, but this one is my favorite. They have an endless supply of quotes to choose from, as well as graphics. You can also make a totally custom order (which I've done) and the owner of the site is very sweet and quick to answer any questions and get your order placed. 5. - My favorite place for recipes. Her directions are very detailed and include step by step pictures. She's also hilarious, so trying out her recipes is entertaining AND delicious. Those are the 5 that I visit the most, but I have a bunch more that I love too. I can't wait to check out all of your favorite blogs too! I tag: Monica Hilary (where have you been lately? haven't seen much of you on fb or blogger) Amber (I don't know if you do the whole tagging thing, but I know you are an online shopper and bargain hunter) Brooke Jamie |
Thursday, February 4, 2010
Double Digits
If you take a look at my sidebar you will notice that according to the babyticker I have 99 days to go until my due date. I'm ecstatic about that. I'm not very patient when it comes to pregnancy. I hate the wait. So far this pregnancy has been a breeze (knock on wood). I saw my doctor today and all is well. She got the detailed report from the radiologist about my anatomical sonogram from 4 weeks ago and this little girl is perfect. Let's just hope she's not as anxious to greet the world as Grace was and decides to stay inside a little longer. On a side note, Grace had her 2 year check up on Monday. She's growing and developing just as she should be. She weighs 32 pounds (94%) and she's 35.5 inches tall (81%). Also, she hates the doctor. She received a play medical set for Christmas and loves to check my blood pressure, listen to my heart, give me shots, take my temperature, look in my ears, and put band aids on me. She doesn't like it when the real doctor does those things to her. Good thing we're not scheduled to go back until next January. Let's hope she stays healthy until then. |