I've been frustrated lately. At the end of each day I wonder what it is I did all day. I know I'm busy all day long running around doing tasks, but at the end of the day I look around and don't feel as though I've accomplished anything. I've realized that the things I've been doing (and let's face it, they have to be done) are not permanent. They become undone by the end of the day. I sweep and mop the floor only to have food and dirt cover them again in a matter of hours. I clean up all of the toys just to have them scattered about as soon as Grace wakes up from her nap. I do the dishes and clean the kitchen just to have a mess again after the next meal is prepared and eaten. I wash, fold, and put away laundry only to walk past the hamper and see dirty clothes exploding out of it again. The things I spend my time on throughout the day just get undone and leave me with no feeling of accomplishment. I'm tired of asking myself at the end of the day, "What did I do all day?" That's where the 'Do Something Permanent' part comes in. The things I spend my time on throughout the day are not permanent. They become undone by the end of the day. That's why I have decided I need to do something permanent each day. Such as, writing in a journal, catching up with an old friend, working on a creative project (sewing, scrapbooking, home improvement), reading to my child, reading from the scriptures or the Ensign, gardening, etc. (the list could go on and on, but you get the point). I have to make sure I make room in my day for those things. I'm a lot happier and feel like a better mother, wife, and person in general when I do something permanent in my day. I feel much more productive when there is tangible evidence of the hard work I've done. So, somedays the laundry may need to be put off, or I won't get the kitchen floor mopped. But that's okay because those things will just have to be done tomorrow too. |
Friday, May 22, 2009
Do Something Permanent
Monday, May 18, 2009
Just call my Suzy

Friday, May 15, 2009
Saturday, May 9, 2009
Happy Mother's Day

Thursday, May 7, 2009
She LOVES her daddy

I was driving home from the store yesterday and Grace did the cutest thing! I have to post about it so it gets recorded since I'm not into journaling (I'm using blogger as my journal). I was stopped in a turn lane waiting for traffic to clear when a white truck passed us. Grace's finger pointed to the window and she started yelling, "Dadda, dadda, dadda!" It was so sweet. Justin drives a white truck too and I couldn't believe she made the association. Then the tears came as her heart was breaking watching that white truck drive further and further from her view. She was devastated that her daddy was driving away. She didn't know it was some stranger in a truck that just happened to be the same color as the one her daddy drives. All she knew was that she missed her daddy and wanted to see him. I know my daughter loves both of her parents, but I'm pretty sure she likes her daddy more.
Side note question: Does anyone else have trouble with blogger leaving huge empty spaces at the beginning and ending of posts? Sometimes I can delete the spaces and sometimes I can't. This post seems to be one time that I can't. It's so frustrating!
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
Picture Tag
2. go to your sixth picture
3. blog about it
4. tag 6 people