Friday, December 24, 2010
Payback and a Purple Jump Rope

Friday, November 19, 2010
Halloween 2010
That evening we headed to the church for the tri-ward Trunk-or-Treat. Grace had a great time playing games and winning candy. She really nailed the "trick or treat" phrase this year, and continues to refer to her Halloween candy as "trick or treats." There was a really great turnout at the church this year, and some really creative "trunks." (I feel like I'm using "quotations" way too much in this post.) My favorites were Sister Muse's and the Missionaries. Sister Muse had hers set up like Lehi's dream and the kids had to hold to the iron rod and avoid obstacles to get to their treats. One of the missionaries was dressed as Samuel the Lamanite and stood in the bed of a pick-up preaching to the people. The kids got to throw marshmallows at him. I had to coax Grace into throwing the marshmallow... she was only interested in eating it. Our hands were full with the kids, so we didn't get too many pictures this year. Here are some of our favorites:
Claire was pretty worn out by the time the night was over. Poor girl lost one of her little webbed feet and couldn't keep her duck bill on straight!
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
East Texas Yamboree 2010
This was the best shot she could get of Grace. She's staring down the carousel, begging us with her eyes to take her on it.
Claire was pretty content to just hang out in the stroller and people watch.
Grace on the spaceship ride. I only brought my camcorder, so the still photos aren't of the best quality. As always, Grace loved the carnival rides. I was disappointed that they didn't have the little car ride like last year. She rode the carousel (twice), a school bus, the motorcycles, and the spaceship. She really wanted to go on the ferris wheel, but her cheap parents didn't want to fork over the money for all of us to go on it... maybe next year ;).
This is basically how Claire spent the evening. She even took a nap in the stroller!
On Saturday morning we parked ourselves downtown to watch the Queen's Parade. We had to rename it the "Princess Parade" for Grace since the only queen she knows of is the one from Snow White (and she's a scary queen!). Grace wasn't into the parade much this year because we didn't have front row seats on the street. She really couldn't see anything so she kept herself occupied by picking the grass and playing in the dirt.
Miss Claire enjoying the nice weather and all the attention
Justin was helping the boy scouts raise money by parking cars, so he got to the parade in time to watch the last two floats.
We had fun at the Yamboree again this year. I was so exhausted the morning of the parade because Claire was up a lot the night before and Justin wasn't there to help with the girls so we didn't head over to see the livestock like we usually do. We decided to grab some lunch and go home for naps!
We look forward to next year's Yamboree. Really, all I care about is the food!
Friday, November 12, 2010
Just so I don't Forget...
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
Grace has a new bestie!
I love how they're looking at each other in this picture... it melts my heart!
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Family Home Evening - Pumpkin Carving
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
Choo Choo Trains
She has these stacking/nesting boxes that she lines up and says is a choo choo train. Minnie Mouse is always the conductor and Baby Giraffe is usually the only passenger.
4 months
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
Pest Control
Water Fun
Another Milestone
Friday, August 20, 2010
Sisterly Love
A Name and a Blessing
After church we had a luncheon with a lot of family from both sides. We had a good time visiting with everyone and enjoying the wonderful weather! We're so happy Claire is a part of our family. We wouldn't have it any other way. She has been such a blessing in our home. She is definitely more temperamental than her older sister was, but we love her just the way she is. She makes our family (more) complete!
Thursday, August 19, 2010
Nessen Family Pictures 2010
Saturday, July 10, 2010
A terrible, horrible, no good, very bad day