Tuesday, February 3, 2009

TAG - 25 Random Things About Me

1. I had surgery 6 times in 10 years
2. My 2nd toe on both of my feet is shorter than my 3rd/middle toe
3. Both of my middle fingers are crooked from being broken and never properly treated
4. I can't get pregnant without medical intervention
5. 'Law and Order' gives me nightmares.. really
6. I have to sleep with a blanket pulled up to my chin even if it's 100 degrees in the room
7. I won't drink diet sodas or sugar free drinks
8. I hate the taste of water
9. I've never been to another continent
10. I love to go camping in a tent. It's not really camping if you stay in and RV with cable TV
11. I rarely make the bed because I think it's a waste of time since we're just going to mess it up again in 12 hours
12. I hate getting ready in the morning, especially the hair and make-up part
13. I blog stalk people
14. I hate to admit that Grace's bedtime changes nightly depending on what the Prime time TV lineup is
15. I would love to have a job outside the house, but thinking about putting Grace in some sort of daycare gives me a mild anxiety attack
16. I'm going to be 27 in April and most days I feel like I'm still 18
17. I'm grateful daily that I inherited my father's metabolism. I don't have the self discipline or motivation to be a dieter
18. I'm enraptured by the Duggar family... you know the people from Arkansas with 18 kids
19. I wish I had my husband's patience
20. I, like Krisha, love Starbucks but not for their coffee. I love the smell of the place, as well as their awesome Caramel Apple Cider
21. I can't play a musical instrument or carry a tune to save my life. I desperately wish I could do both
22. My dearest friends all have traits that I greatly admire. I look up to them in so many ways. They are great examples to me and heroes in my eyes
23. Grace is my greatest accomplishment thus far in my life
24. Most days I feel completely inadequate as a mother
25. I love my family dearly and I am grateful for the blessings of the temple and sealing ordinances so we can be together forever
I tag Dallas, Tatiana, Jamie, and Brooke


Unknown said...

I always have to have a cover on me when I sleep too! We're the same! haha. Also, you are not an inadequate mother. In fact, I think you're awesome! I'm going to have to get lessons from you someday when I have kids!

Hilary said...

We should trade the digits of our 2nd toes so we'll be all evened out. Mine are crazy long!

Also, I think the Duggars are fascinating too! I hear there's a "Very Duggar Wedding" show on now, and it makes me want to have cable again. Haha, sad. Their mom is a little cookoo though :)

Brooke Colvin said...

It is normal to feel inadequate as a mother, but trust me, you're not. Grace loves you no matter what you do and will always look up to you. It was fun reading all of those things about you. I just finished my 25 Random Things on my blog too. Thanks for tagging me - it was fun to do.