I wanted to get a picture of her after primary wearing her special sticker she got for saying the scripture and prayer, but Grace loves stickers so much they don't last long.
Grace has always been pretty independent, but it seems as though it's becoming more obvious as she gets older. She insists on saying prayers all by herself now. She said the blessing on the food last Sunday evening and would not let us help her. She did such a great job, even blessing the food without any prompting from Justin or myself. She has led us in family prayer a couple of nights this week and when we try to help her or remind her what to say she gets very upset and says, "I can do it myself!" Gotta love her strong-willed, stubborn personality!
I also took Grace to her 3 year check-up this week. She weighs 38 pounds (94%) and is 39 1/4 inches tall (91%). She enjoyed showing the doctor all the neat things she's capable of doing, but she really, really could have done without the shot. She had to get one in her thigh this time and it was very traumatic. Good thing they had a purple lollipop to make it all better!
Here are a few tidbits about Grace at 3 years old:
Sister Emily Watts (she spoke about our hopes as mothers):
We had such an uplifting weekend. I was inspired to be a better wife, mother, daughter of God, and disciple of Christ. I hope I will have the opportunity to attend a TOFW event this year as well.
from left to right: Sarah, Mom, me, Stacie
After we said goodbye to Stacie and dropped Sarah off at the airport my mom and I headed back to her house to relieve my dad. He did such a marvelous job taking care of my kiddos all weekend, but he sure was wore out! The girls and I were able to spend the entire week at their house. We didn't do a lot (it was pretty cold) but we had fun spending time together. My parents watched Claire one afternoon so I could take Grace to the children's museum. She had a good time exploring all the different play areas.
putting groceries away in the kitchen