My baby is 4 months old now and growing way too fast. We saw the pediatrician last week for her check-up, so here are her stats:
16.0 lbs (90th percentile)
25.5 in (88th percentile)
16 in head circumference (37th percentile)
Her head seems much bigger than that to me. Maybe it's because of those super chubby cheeks! She's doing well and is very healthy. We've been concerned about her head because of our
experience with Grace, but Claire has great rotation in her neck with no signs of torticollis. The back of her head is a little flat, but her doctor says it's pretty normal for a baby her age since all she does is lie down. Now that she's holding her head up well on her own she'll spend more time sitting up in the bumbo seat and her exersaucer, which will allow the back of her head to round out more.
We love our little Claire. She's definitely not as easy going as her sister was. She's a little more high maintenance and has quite the set of lungs on her. She likes to scream. A lot. Especially when she's hungry or tired or both. She has been a great nighttime sleeper, but not so good at the naps during the day. From the day we brought her home from the hospital I was surprised by the length of time she spent awake between naps. She usually takes one decent nap (about 2 hours) and then two more shorter naps (30-45 minutes) a day. I just never know what order they'll be in. Sometimes her longer nap is in the morning, and sometimes it's in the late afternoon. I hate that she's not consistent. I like my kids to be on a schedule. She's also much more attached to the binky than Grace was. Claire will wake up in the middle of the night crying and all she wants is for me to put the binky back in her mouth. She's getting to the fun stage now where she's starting to grab for things and has an interest in playing with toys. She has the BEST laugh and it is so contagious. She's ticklish around her neck (yes, she has a neck!) and under her armpits. I love her wide, open mouth, gummy smile. It melts my heart. She loves to watch her sister and will crack up at Grace. I love those moments! We're so glad she's part of our family.

This was the first time I tried to feed her rice cereal. She's not a fan. I've tried again since then, and still no luck. She won't even open her mouth for it. I would never have guessed she'd be a picky eater!